[Registration] Inverse depth loss in SurgicalGS, EndoGaussian, Deform3dgs
EndoGaussian: Real-time Gaussian Splatting for Dynamic Endoscopic Scene Reconstruction
Deform3DGS: Flexible Deformation for Fast Surgical Scene Reconstruction with Gaussian Splatting
Previous methods (EndoGaussian, Deform3dgs) incorporate inverse depth maps into the loss computation, effectively stabilising the optimisation process.
The depth loss in these approaches is formulated as:
\[L^{−1}_{\hat{D}} = \Vert M \odot (\hat{D}^{−1} − D^{−1}) \Vert, (11)\]where $D$ and $\hat{D}$ are the depth map from stereo-matching and rendered depth, respectively. Inverse depth maps compress the dynamic range of depth values, reducing the disparity between the binocular and rendered depth maps.
This compression minimises the risk of over-density and enhances the stability of the optimisation process.
However, there is little variation in the depth map of endoscopic videos. Using inverse depth maps can overly homogenise the depth values, resulting in inaccurate and inconsistent rendered depth maps.
To address this problem, our observation is that normalisation can bring both binocular and rendered depth maps in a consistent scale, ensuring training stability while preserving depth variability.
Our normalised depth loss is formulated as:
\[L_{\hat{D}} = \Vert M \odot (\hat{D}\_{norm} − D\_{norm}) \Vert. (12)\]
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