[3D CV 연구] 3DGS COLMAP depth unit
COLMAP의 real-world scales를 알 수는 없습니다.
COLMAP의 real-world scales를 알 수는 없습니다.
3dgs scene.cameras_extent
Monodepth를 COLMAP coordinate로 rescaling하는 법을 알아봅시다.
각 pixel에 대한 gaussian points를 얻는 방법
HDR Plenoxel에서는 coarse-to-fine으로 spherical harmonics를 학습시킵니다.
3dgs spherical harmonics
self.xyz_gradient_accum 설명
fovx에 해당하는 camera_angle_x만 있으면 image의 height, width로 fovy도 계산이 가능합니다.
optimizer.param_groups로 파라미터별로 다른 lr 설정이 가능합니다.
3D Gaussian들의 properties를 initilize하는 법을 정리합니다.
3DGS SuGaR sugar_model.py _covert_vertex_colors_to_texture
surface_mesh_to_bind = o3d_mesh & n_points = len(triangles * n_gaussians_per_triangle
3DGG affine apprximiation of the projective transformation
3DGS alpha blending & inaccurate surface edge & Modeling sharp surface edges
3DGS SuGaR sugar_model.py extract_texture_image_and_uv_from_gaussians
3DGS Gaussian Surfels Poisson Reconstruction
3DGS SuGaR Troublshooting Mesh Issues & Poisson Surface Reconstruction
3DGS SuGaR Adapt the scale and the bounding box of the scene
3DGS Tips for using SuGaR regularization sdf or density
3DGS Tips for using SuGaR your custom data and obtain better reconstructions
3DGS SuGaR benchmark dataset 360_v2 experiments
3DGS SuGaR Rendering, composition and animation
3DGS Tips for using COLMAP
3DGS SuGaR video capture & custom dataset
3DGS SuGaR synthetic datasets
3DGS SuGaR sdf estimation
3DGS SuGaR position_lr_init & spatial_lr_scale
3DGS SuGaR position_lr_init & spatial_lr_scale
3DGS SuGaR how to improve rendering result of simple object in monochrome background
3DGS SuGaR implementation details of coarse mesh extraction and joint refinement
3DGS SuGaR joint refinement of mesh and gaussians
3DGS SuGaR equations
3DGS SuGaR equations
3DGS SuGaR entropy loss
3DGS scene size & scene complexity and spatial learning rate
3DGS Loss not going down and renders look bad, scene에 따른 learning rate 조절
3DGS human rendering ideas
3DGS input & output .ply properties & Meshlab Vert & Spherical Harmonics (SH) & Mesh
3DGS tile ID와 depth keys 기반 sorting을 .cu 파일에서 합니다.
3DGS submodules 설치방법
3DGS spatial_lr_scale
3DGS rasterization은 cuda를 사용합니다.
3DGS random shuffling으로 input images들을 shuffle하지 않으면 performance가 하락합니다.
3DGS positional gradient는 NDC/view space에서 계산됩니다.
3DGS How can I get the points’ indices which contribute to the pixels?
3DGS output .ply파일은 spherical harmonics를 추가 속성으로 포함합니다.
3DGS opacity activation은 sigmoid를 사용합니다.
3DGS The number of points is decreasing when training large-scale scenes
3DGS jacobian w2c matrix
3DGS는 float32를 사용하는데, float16로 바꿔서 실험해봐도 됩니다.
3DGS densify_until_iter
3DGS point cloud coordinate systems
3DGS batch rendering using gaussian rasterizer
3DGS add_densification_stats accumulates the gradient to every Gaussian in the visible frustum
3DGS 결과 비디오 만드는 방법
3DGS original code has a bug for big gaussians culling
3DGS far plane, gaussian pruning, scene extent & learning rate
3DGS background color removal & RGBA
Transformer의 Attention을 시각적으로 이해해봅시다.
GAN 발전동향 정리
PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS, MSE metrics.py
camera calibration