[3D CV 연구] PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS, MSE metrics.py
PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS, MSE metric 구하는 코드 출처: https://github.com/albertpumarola/D-NeRF/blob/main/metrics.ipynb
아래 코드에서 DNeRF에서 canonical space에 대한 test image를 무시하는 코드 부분만 주석 처리하여 사용하면 됩니다.
import math
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import lpips
import os
import imageio
import numpy as np
# Mean Square Error
class MSE(object):
def __call__(self, pred, gt):
return torch.mean((pred - gt) ** 2)
# Peak Signal to Noise Ratio
class PSNR(object):
def __call__(self, pred, gt):
mse = torch.mean((pred - gt) ** 2)
return 10 * torch.log10(1 / mse)
# structural similarity index
class SSIM(object):
borrowed from https://github.com/huster-wgm/Pytorch-metrics/blob/master/metrics.py
def gaussian(self, w_size, sigma):
gauss = torch.Tensor([math.exp(-(x - w_size//2)**2/float(2*sigma**2)) for x in range(w_size)])
return gauss/gauss.sum()
def create_window(self, w_size, channel=1):
_1D_window = self.gaussian(w_size, 1.5).unsqueeze(1)
_2D_window = _1D_window.mm(_1D_window.t()).float().unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
window = _2D_window.expand(channel, 1, w_size, w_size).contiguous()
return window
def __call__(self, y_pred, y_true, w_size=11, size_average=True, full=False):
y_true : 4-d ndarray in [batch_size, channels, img_rows, img_cols]
y_pred : 4-d ndarray in [batch_size, channels, img_rows, img_cols]
w_size : int, default 11
size_average : boolean, default True
full : boolean, default False
return ssim, larger the better
# Value range can be different from 255. Other common ranges are 1 (sigmoid) and 2 (tanh).
if torch.max(y_pred) > 128:
max_val = 255
max_val = 1
if torch.min(y_pred) < -0.5:
min_val = -1
min_val = 0
L = max_val - min_val
padd = 0
(_, channel, height, width) = y_pred.size()
window = self.create_window(w_size, channel=channel).to(y_pred.device)
mu1 = F.conv2d(y_pred, window, padding=padd, groups=channel)
mu2 = F.conv2d(y_true, window, padding=padd, groups=channel)
mu1_sq = mu1.pow(2)
mu2_sq = mu2.pow(2)
mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2
sigma1_sq = F.conv2d(y_pred * y_pred, window, padding=padd, groups=channel) - mu1_sq
sigma2_sq = F.conv2d(y_true * y_true, window, padding=padd, groups=channel) - mu2_sq
sigma12 = F.conv2d(y_pred * y_true, window, padding=padd, groups=channel) - mu1_mu2
C1 = (0.01 * L) ** 2
C2 = (0.03 * L) ** 2
v1 = 2.0 * sigma12 + C2
v2 = sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq + C2
cs = torch.mean(v1 / v2) # contrast sensitivity
ssim_map = ((2 * mu1_mu2 + C1) * v1) / ((mu1_sq + mu2_sq + C1) * v2)
if size_average:
ret = ssim_map.mean()
ret = ssim_map.mean(1).mean(1).mean(1)
if full:
return ret, cs
return ret
# Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity
class LPIPS(object):
borrowed from https://github.com/huster-wgm/Pytorch-metrics/blob/master/metrics.py
def __init__(self):
self.model = lpips.LPIPS(net='vgg').cuda()
def __call__(self, y_pred, y_true, normalized=True):
y_true : 4-d ndarray in [batch_size, channels, img_rows, img_cols]
y_pred : 4-d ndarray in [batch_size, channels, img_rows, img_cols]
normalized : change [0,1] => [-1,1] (default by LPIPS)
return LPIPS, smaller the better
if normalized:
y_pred = y_pred * 2.0 - 1.0
y_true = y_true * 2.0 - 1.0
error = self.model.forward(y_pred, y_true)
return torch.mean(error)
def read_images_in_dir(imgs_dir):
imgs = []
fnames = os.listdir(imgs_dir)
for fname in fnames:
# if fname == "000.png" : # ignore canonical space, only evalute real scene # dnerf에서만 사용
# continue
img_path = os.path.join(imgs_dir, fname)
img = imageio.imread(img_path)
img = (np.array(img) / 255.).astype(np.float32)
img = np.transpose(img, (2, 0, 1))
imgs = np.stack(imgs)
return imgs
def estim_error(estim, gt):
errors = dict()
metric = MSE()
errors["mse"] = metric(estim, gt).item()
metric = PSNR()
errors["psnr"] = metric(estim, gt).item()
metric = SSIM()
errors["ssim"] = metric(estim, gt).item()
metric = LPIPS()
errors["lpips"] = metric(estim, gt).item()
return errors
def save_error(errors, save_dir):
save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "metrics.txt")
f = open(save_path,"w")
f.write( str(errors) )
def main():
files_dir = "./logs/d435_180deg@15_near0.2_far2.0/testset_200000/"
estim_dir = os.path.join(files_dir, "estim")
gt_dir = os.path.join(files_dir, "gt")
estim = read_images_in_dir(estim_dir)
gt = read_images_in_dir(gt_dir)
estim = torch.Tensor(estim).cuda()
gt = torch.Tensor(gt).cuda()
errors = estim_error(estim, gt)
save_error(errors, files_dir)
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